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About Us

GosLyrics (formerly / answerstothem), is a blog created by +Oluwakayode Aboluje (Profile available on Google+) with the following vision
  • to promote heartily worship from men unto God through the provision of gospel song lyrics by which men's heart are fire-lit as they lift up holy hands in joyful fellowshipping
  • to showcase the beauty and ingenuity of gospel music unto all, thus propagating the gospel message itself in the process.


We partner with and Itunes, sites that sell mp3 and music CDs. This we use to service our readers. We are not liable for any issues that has to do with the transaction or any other that may ensue in the dealing with the company. Videos are served from official YouTube handles. Others may include links to websites from which songs can be downloaded (either free or at a charge).

Lyrics on this blog are compiled by the Admin/Author and/or other assigned team members. While we do our best to get correct info, we are not liable for any errors in the lyrics or artiste info on this site. Please use with discretion. However, we make the blog open to our readers to make corrections to any lyrics, and we humbly accept them after due verification. Like to do business with us? Or you have important suggestion/enquiries/comments, Send a mail to

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  1. Hello Goslyrics,
    I stumbled on your site in my quest for video or audio of a song I and my family members used to listen to late 90s. One of the NTA stations(NTA 12) used to play it then. Unfortunately, I don't remember the name of the gospel artiste. But someone told me his name is GBENGA ADEBAYO(which I doubt as it doesn't ring a bell). The gospel artiste is late now, for your information. I have searched all over the internet(youtube, google etc) looking for the song but with no luck. So, I ran into your blog. I must confess that you are doing a great work and I find it commendable and inspiring.
    My Request: Can you please help use your skills and network to get the song(lyrics, audio or video). I will be glad if you can.
    Please see below some of the lyrics of the song I can remember.
    I have also attached to this email a recorded voice of the lyrics below. If you have access to the video or audio of the original song, it will be much appreciated.

    1. Thank you sir/ma
      Could you attach the lyrics as mentioned

